Uncategorized – coalconferences.org http://coalconferences.org your successful research is our goal Wed, 29 Jun 2022 15:32:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://coalconferences.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/1008/2022/04/cropped-fav-32x32.png Uncategorized – coalconferences.org http://coalconferences.org 32 32 What Are the Most Popular Types of Research Papers? http://coalconferences.org/types-of-research-papers.html http://coalconferences.org/types-of-research-papers.html#respond Thu, 28 Apr 2022 10:19:10 +0000 http://coalconferences.org/?p=44 Read More]]> There are different academic writing styles and forms, much of which you will encounter in college. A research paper is a top-level academic writing that involves comprehensive and deep research; it is a complex form of academic writing. Knowing what type of research paper your instructor requires is essential because they don’t all follow the same preparation pattern. We will discuss “what is a research paper” and the main popular and different types of research papers in this article.

Understanding an academic paper: what is a research paper?

A research paper is a scientific writing of experiments to improve and obtain new knowledge. It involves establishing laws that manifest in nature and society, testing scientific hypotheses, and confirming projects through science. An entire research paper is based on a writer’s thoughts and prior knowledge of a topic and the analysis of the acquired data. Not many students like these types of papers because it requires in-depth studying, reporting, and data analysis.

However, appreciated or not, a research paper is important because it benefits both the students and the world. On the one hand, it equips students with proper research and analytical skills, providing valuable knowledge for societal developments.

What are the types of research papers?

While there are many types of research papers, only a few are characterized as the “main” types. Each of these major types of studies requires an unconventional approach to writing them. Here is an overview of the types of research papers to help you differentiate between them.

Argumentative research paper

An argumentative research paper is also a persuasive paper; it presents two sides of a controversial matter. The goals of research in this type of academic writing are to make readers see things from your perspective. In this paper, you will include the arguments of the different researchers you’re studying, but you’ll favor one side over the other. Your arguments will try to persuade the reader of your side, supported with statistical data and facts, and not too emotional.

Analytical research paper

Analytical research papers aren’t as complicated as they sound; it is a form of writing that involves questions. First, you pose a question and collect relevant data from other authors with different viewpoints, focusing on their findings and conclusions. Then, you will make a personal conclusion about the topic, remaining neutral and refraining from approving or disapproving either side. There are many types of research questions available that you can draw inspiration from to come up with yours.

Interpretive research paper

Interpretive research papers require that you use the knowledge gained from a case study to do my paper. It involves writing your paper using an established theoretical framework and backing your statement and conclusion with sufficient data. Students in social science and literature are often tasked with writing these types of papers.

Definition research paper

This research paper type is a highly informative text type, requiring only bare objective arguments and facts. A definition research paper comprises unanalyzed facts from various sources. This type of research paper describes objective arguments and facts without including personal opinions and perspectives.

Cause and effect research paper

These types of research papers are the first high school, and college students have to write. It involves tracing expected results from a specific action and answering the “Why” and “What” questions. These papers are used to track probable results from an action in a clear and understandable logical progression. Business and education fields often use this method; it outlines predicted and expected results depending on certain conditions.

Compare and contrast research paper

This research paper analyzes the differences between two criteria, including subjects, authors, leadership styles, and viewpoints. It is a common assignment for literature, social science, and several other study fields. However, it requires sufficient information to describe both sides in the paper, comparing and contrasting both but supporting one.

Reports research paper

Reports research paper outlines the case of a study; it includes the breakdown summary, among other things. In addition, this research paper type includes identifying a central issue and recommendations; it is basically a detailed and logical summary of a case study situation.


There are several other types of research papers; these seven are considered the main types. With this, you can differentiate between the types of essays and cope well with your writing assignments. Understanding a research paper type is paramount because they follow different writing structures and formats. Once you know what type of research paper you’re writing, you will learn how to direct your reading and writing.

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14 Commonly Misused Words in English http://coalconferences.org/commonly-misused-words.html http://coalconferences.org/commonly-misused-words.html#respond Thu, 28 Apr 2022 10:17:34 +0000 http://coalconferences.org/?p=45 Read More]]> Everyone likes to believe that they understand how to use the English language. However, as we grow older, we start to lose our grasp of how the language works. As we hear people use English in the wrong ways over time, we end up losing control over the language. For instance, you might refer to something as a cliché as an adjective when in reality a cliché is a noun.

There are many other words that people misuse all the time. Take a look at this listing and see if you have been misusing these words. Odds are you might begin to question whether you even understand the English language at all.

1. Acute and Chronic

Acute and chronic are often misused when it comes to discussing illnesses. Acute means sharp and fast. An acute illness is one that increasingly becomes worse and reaches a breaking point. Chronic means that a severe illness is lasting for a long period of time and won’t go away easily.

For instance, when a person has an acute asthma attack, it is an attack that gets worse very quickly and potentially requires hospitalization. Chronic asthma is when a person experiences symptoms of the condition on and off over the course of several years.

2. Bemused

When you are amused, you become interested in something. When you are bemused, you are confused. Many people use “bemused” when they are supposed to say “amused.”

3. Disinterested

People often say they are disinterested when they are not interested in something. When you say you aren’t interested, you should say that you are uninterested instead.

When you are disinterested, you do not hold a bias. This means that you don’t side with one specific party. You could have an interest but you’re not entrenched in one’s camp. You are not concerned about something when you are disinterested. This is different from being uninterested where you really have no interest in something at all.

4. Enervate

Enervate means to weaken something. It is the opposite of energize. When you say that something is enervating, you mean that it drains your energy.

5. Guarantee and Guaranty

A guaranty is an assurance of the performance of a product or service. It is often a security to fulfill something of value.

A guarantee is a person who benefits from such a guaranty. In other words, when you hear something talk about a “money-back guarantee,” that entity is supposed to say that it is a “money-back guaranty” and that you are a “guarantee” who could benefit from it.

6. Irony

Irony is the opposite of something that is expected or appropriate. For instance, a center for helping people to recover from overeating might be in the same building as some restaurant that offers lots of dangerously fatty foods. This is an example of irony. It would be more appropriate for such a building to have a restaurant that serves heart-healthy foods.

7. Travesty

Many people think that a travesty is a mockery of something. In reality, a travesty refers to a tragic event or some other extremely unfortunate event.

8. Ultimate

People often believe that ultimate refers to the best of something. However, ultimate actually means the last item on a numbered or organized list.

For instance, the term “refute” on this listing of misused words is the ultimate item. That doesn’t mean that “refute” is the most important of the misused words. It is just the last of the misused words listed on this report.

9. Literally

Many people use the word literally to explain something figurative. However, literally refers to something that actually happens. In other words, you cannot say that you literally did something unless you actually did that thing you mentioned.

10. Parcel and Partial

A parcel is a division of land or an item that has been wrapped to be shipped out. A partial is a part of something. In many cases the misuse of words here relates to how the two words sound and look alike. In addition, they are only divided by a few letters in the middle.

11. Reluctant and Reticent

When you are reluctant, you are not willing to do something. When you are reticent, you are quiet and not willing to be verbal. In other words, reticent relates to being silent while reluctant relates to total inactivity beyond what you say.

12. Peruse

You often think that when you peruse something, you are leaving through something and browsing to find it. You might say that you are perusing through your wallet to find a card.

The truth about the word is that when you peruse something, you are observing something with extreme care. For instance, when you look through your wallet, you are browsing. When you are identifying the individual things on your credit cards including codes and terms, you are perusing. This is because you are going in-depth on all the very specific items featured on the inside.

13. Compelled

You are not feeling like you want to do something when you are compelled to do it. You are actually being compelled to do something when you are being forced into doing it or you feel an extreme sense of obligation to do it. You might not want to do it but you have to because someone is forcing or compelling you to do it. This is not the case when you voluntarily have a desire for doing something.

14. Refute

When you refute something, you are proving that something is wrong. You are not trying to allege that someone is wrong. Rather, you are simply stating that something is wrong. Refute comes from the Latin for a word relating to pushing back. It is similar to rebut, a word that also comes from the Latin for pushing back. However, rebut refers to a blow that knocks one back. Refute relates to the process of proving something wrong.


You must watch for how you use the English language. Take a careful look at how you use words and what they mean so you clearly understand what you are doing with it no matter what you write.


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Guide to Organizing APA Research Paper: Order of Sections http://coalconferences.org/apa-research-paper-order.html http://coalconferences.org/apa-research-paper-order.html#respond Mon, 18 Apr 2022 10:13:16 +0000 http://coalconferences.org/?p=26 Read More]]> APA format is the most common writing style for colleges and academic research journals. There are rules guiding writing an academic paper in APA format; we will look at them in this article.

An APA-style research paper typically consists of the title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, references, and appendices where applicable. Keep reading to learn how to organize an APA research paper, including the significant and other sections.

What are the major components of an APA paper?

An APA-style academic paper has four major components: the title page, abstract, main body, and reference page. Below is an overview of an APA research paper order:

The Introduction section

The introduction part is the first significant component of an APA research paper; it documents what the topic is about and its importance. The introduction explains why studying the paper is worth it and identifies the research gap the paper will address. It will identify unresolved issues in the related field of the research topic and its overview to be discussed in detail later.

The Methods section

The APA format methods section covers information on what you did in the research and how. It features a description of the subjects used in the study, the study design, procedure, and materials used. If you conducted more than one experiment, you’d need to create a separate methods section for each. However, there should be enough detail to make replicating your research work possible.

The Results section

The results section of a research paper APA style will describe the data you collected during the research. It will also contain the results of every statistical test you performed in the study. You may preface this section with a description of the analysis procedure you used. As in the methods section, you’ll need to create different results sections if you conducted multiple experiments.

The Discussion section

The discussion section of a research paper APA structure will discuss the significance of your results and findings. It features a summary of the results obtained in the study and how they address the research topic. It will discuss the limitations and directions for future research and may expand upon the implications of the findings.

Variations in academic paper APA structure

The sections we listed are the major parts of an APA paper, but there are variations in the pattern. They include:

  • Multi-Experiment articles: the APA paper structure may be different if there were multiple experiments conducted. In this case, the structure may be like this: Introduction – experiment 1 with methods, results, and discussion – experiment 2 in the same structure. The experiments list will continue until all the experiments conducted have been covered. Then, the discussion section will follow, where all the experiments will be discussed generally, with references and appendices (optional).
  • Literature reviews: authors may omit the Methods and Results section if they review prior published research articles. The structure above has to do with new empirical research papers. The review article structure will include an introduction, different sections for the various research body aspects, and then maybe a discussion.

Example of APA outline for research paper: general APA formatting rules

APA-style research papers follow strict rules to ensure they stay professional and publishable. Below is an outline of a typical APA-style research paper, along with the general rules.

  • Title Page: it should contain ten to twelve words and reflect the paper content, title, name, and double spacing with no extra spaces.
  • Abstract: the abstract should be labeled, not bold, and centered; it should be only one paragraph, with no indent, double-spaced, and no more than 120 words.
  • Introduction: the introduction is often the hardest to write because it has strict rules. For example, don’t label it as “Introduction,” put the paper title at the top of the page, not bold. It starts out broad, though not too broad, and gets more focused at the end.
  • Methods: this section should be labeled, centered, and bold; Methods section writing is straightforward but requires precision.
  • Materials: the Materials section should be labeled, flush left, and bolded; describe questionnaires used in detail where applicable.
  • Results: describe the data analysis method and your findings; you can break complex data into labeled subsections.
  • Discussion: interpret your findings in broader contexts, starting with the specifics and ending with the general.
  • References: an alphabetical listing of the articles and previous papers used in the study, double-spaced with no extra paces.


Structuring a research paper requires some measure of skill and attention to detail, which often makes it appear not very easy. However, if you follow these steps closely (you can read more for more information), you’ll find it easier. You can also check online for samples of APA-style papers for a practical guide on APA paper structuring.

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How to Write in MLA Paper Format: for Beginners and Experts http://coalconferences.org/mla-paper-format.html http://coalconferences.org/mla-paper-format.html#respond Mon, 18 Apr 2022 10:11:40 +0000 http://coalconferences.org/?p=24 Read More]]> Depending on discipline, school, and course level, writing in MLA format can either be a necessary requirement of your degree or a niche activity that won’t be very applicable to you over the course of your education.  Regardless, when you need to create an MLA paper, you need to have all the bases covered and you cannot make even one simple mistake.  More than ever, teachers nowadays are looking for reasons to mark their students lower and lower and you need to be vigilant to defend against these kinds of practices.  It’s only by understanding how to accurately and perfectly write paper assignments that you will succeed in your future studies, and it’s only through perfection that you’ll be able to reach the upper echelons of your class.  When you enlist the help of our team of experts, you’re guaranteed to get the perfect assistance that you need in order to solidify your standing as one of the best students in the term.  Our panel of experts are all capable of giving you the perfect paper to hand in, that abides by all MLA guidelines, so that your teacher will almost be forced to give you the highest possible marks!

College papers require precise instructions

When you ask us to “write my paper,” we immediately begin working on all the stylistic concerns and create MLA academic paper assignments that will absolutely stick to all the rules.  When writing an MLA paper, it’s important to keep the following points in mind:

  • It’s important to start by using a blank sheet of white, 8 ½ x 11 sheets of paper, and to use this paper exclusively in your assignment.
  • There needs to be one-inch margins on all sides: left, right, top, and bottom.
  • When using set-off quotes, make sure they’re one-inch away from the one-inch margin (two inches indented).
  • The neutral font style for MLA papers is Times New Roman, 12pt.
  • The entire paper needs to be double spaced, so that the teacher is able to write comments on it.
  • One space after periods and other punctuation marks. The only exception to this is if the teacher themselves wants additional spaces.
  • Create a title page or utilize a header. If you wish to make a header:
  • Begin one inch from the top of the first page.
  • Use your name, Instructor’s name, Course, and Date, all on separate lines, all double spaced just like the body of the paper.
  • Do not use any periods.
  • Double space between the title and the body introduction.
  • Be sure to place page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the paper, on every page, and include your last name before the page number (eg. Smith 3).

From there, construct the paper as you normally would.

It’s not easy to write papers like a professional

So why bother trying to do it yourself?  If nothing else, the gap between amateur and professional is huge, and you don’t want to risk a good start on your future by handing in a paper that has too many errors for your teacher to ignore.  If you’re intent on finishing your schooling with the best possible GPA, then it’s essential that you get the help you need to reach that goal.  When you utilize our services, you’re not only getting a professional that is dedicated to your success, but you’re getting someone that wants to see you through the hardest parts of your degree. In order to rise above the challenges that come before you, getting the assistance of an expert in the field is an obvious benefit.  Choose us today and never again worry about the road that lies ahead!

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